
Dodgeball Sponsorships

what is klife

KLIFE is a discipleship ministry for youth. Through weekly small group Bible studies and other activities, KLIFE kids grow in their walk with the Lord and build lasting relationships they can count on for the rest of their lives. KLIFE’s ultimate goal is to make disciples who will make disciples.

KLIFE works alongside churches and families in the community to teach and encourage kids to be strong in the Lord in spite of all the negative pressures they face as teenagers. KLIFE networks kids from different churches, and those without a church affiliation, to build positive, Godly relationships that can withstand the negative peer pressure so prevalent in today’s youth culture.



“We point students to Jesus so they will know Him, love Him, walk in surrender to Him, and be equipped to point others to Him also.”



“We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.” – I Thessalonians 2:8

why KLIFE & discipleship

Research shows that for every ten Christian’s who step foot on a college campus, only two graduate still professing to believe in Jesus. The overwhelming common denominator for the two out of ten is they had someone intentionally investing in them during their teenage years; someone like a KLIFE small group leader.

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Teenagers are walking onto college campuses unable to defend their faith, but when a young adult shares their life with a teenager, transferring spiritual truths and life experiences, they are far more likely to continue walking with Jesus through college.